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Small Church/Big Worship - 2 or 3 More Numbers That Matter...

In the last SC/BW post, we talked about numbers. Numbers matter. We can't scale NorthWillowBackHillPoint down to 100 people. These large churches have more people on staff than most churches have, well, people.

But there are a few numbers that are common denominators, and no size church gets to claim sole ownership.

The first number is ONE. One God who sent his one (and only) Son. One who died for all. One who was resurrected and ascended, who sent His Spirit to make us one as He and the Father are One.

The other number is two. Or three. Gathered in Jesus' name, that is. He promises he'll be there among us. The trick is the preceding verse - if two or three agree.

Let's start by agreeing on a few things
1. We can't out-megachurch a megachurch.
Kmart couldn't out-Walmart Walmart. It almost died trying. Target didn't try. Target found their own a niche as a trendy discount store with insanely effective marketing. So be unique. You have an amazing mix of talents and gifts in your church that have positioned you to make a unique impact for the Kingdom. We have to quit trying to accomplish another church's mission. Let's tap into the One and figure out what us 2 or 3 (or 120) should be asking for in His name.

2. "Excellence" is nauseating.
I was with a young pastor who was telling me about how "excellence" was one of his church's key values. Even the way people like him say it - "EX-sel-lenz!" (I just threw up a little in my mouth.) The whole excellence thing is important - and I know where he was coming from: smaller churches have been notorious for phoning in many aspects of corporate worship. But excellence is SOOO subjective. And it's so easy to get caught up in trying to "be excellent" and forget to "be His."

I like the word 'remarkable' instead. Remarkable only requires that we go beyond expectations in some way. Your coffee might be Kroger brand and served in white Styrofoam. Your worship center may still have orange carpet (and matching pew cushions). Your band may only have two guitars a keyboard player. But if they can come together as trio (and not try to be the Hillsong-esque rock band), and play fitting arrangements, and draw in the crowd of 75 people to experience true worship of Jesus - now that's remarkable. You might just have someone "exclaiming, 'God is really among you!'"

It won't matter that your coffee sucks.


  1. "We have to quite trying to accomplish another church's mission."....convicting and very good...thanks!

  2. oops also i copied and pasted your typo...*quit*

  3. happy accident...now I can fix the typo. thanks for the comment Matt

  4. This is good stuff. Glad I ran across it on worshiptraining.com intially. Looking forward to continuing to hear your thoughts!

  5. Jon - you're so encouraging - thank you! Sometimes we have to remind ourselves (me, especially) that each church has it's own personality. This will differ across states, regions and heck, down the street! We can play the same piece of music, and it will be different because the mix, the talents, the dynamics, the acoustics and the flavor will be different. The numbers, however, are the same. Focus on number ONE, work with number two (hoping you're not a one person music team) and let God work through you where you are.
    In Him...Diana

  6. Thank you for the perspective. I am going to incorporate "remarkable" in to our church/worship team thinking. I think we get more responses from being remarkable because people know it's the Lord's presence, not our ability to be excellent. My heart is encouraged!
