This post won't deal with the differences of mission, vision and all that. What I want to say about it is this: If you got it, flaunt it. And here's a place to flaunt it: segues.
If you're moving towards the offering, say something like, "Here at [insert some trendy metaphor] Community Church, we believe God has called us to [rattle off mission/vision statement, without sounding canned]. The money you give helps us fund [name one or two specific ministries/events/initiatives, etc.]. Thanks for giving to help change lives.
If you're inviting people to stand and worship - something in your statement likely points towards worshiping God with our whole heart and life. At a previous church, we had simple mission statement - "love God, love others, live to serve." So inviting people into our corporate worship would go something like this, "One of our primary missions is to love God. Through worshiping Him and experiencing His love, we are able to love and serve others."
Andy Stanley says it best: "Vision leaks." You need to keep repeating and reinforcing vision in multiple ways for people to remember it and engage with it. Your worship segues are a great way to do this.
What are some ways that you've incorporated vision, mission, purpose, core values, etc. into worship segues? Let me know in the comments here, on Twitter (@jonnicol).
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