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Three New Launches...

If you’ve been coming around WorshipTeamCoach.com for awhile, either to check out the blogs or you read the newsletter, you maybe have notices a drop in frequency of both. Besides some wild changes at my church where I’m worship pastor, I’ve have three new “births” or launches that have just happened or are about to. These are in order of occurrence, not necessarily importance:

1. Small Church Big Worship
We just held the first Small Church/Big Worship Seminar in the Columbus, OH area. It was blast. A big shout-out to all you who were there and now on the e-update list! I recorded it and hope to make sections, or possibly the whole thing available for download.

If you’re interested in bringing a small church/big worship seminar to your area, let me know. 3 – 4 committed churches in an area could create enough buzz to cover the costs.

2. Corbin
This second birth is quite literal. Corbin Benjamin (7lb 10 oz, 22 inches long) was born yesterday (9/29) around 11:30am. He surprised us by coming 2 weeks early (mom was happy about that). So yeah, my world is now sideways and will be searching for a new normal for quite some time.

3. The new WorshipTeamCoach.com
The new site is designed, coded and ready to launch. I just need to hunker down and create/transfer the content. It will include WorshipGuitarWorkshop.com and also be a place where SmallChurchBigWorship.com is developed until it can be launched into the world on it’s own. (By the way, that big open green spot under the header will have something more interesting than, well, a big open green spot.)

Big. Crazy. Stuff. Over the next few weeks, new content will likely be limited, but don’t worry. We’ll be back to new blogs and resources soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the most important new addition! He (and you) looks great!

    New site looks sweet - congrats on seeing it through!
